A Small Ant in a huge world

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Goddamned Emo Wannabes

Alright, so you've got the tight female shirts from Primark, the ridculous lime-green 'Emo' frames your granny found in Oxfam and the damn super tight black jeans you found in the corner of the Girl's section of H&M.

What else? Well you're a white faggot who manages to scrape the tiniest flaw in your middle-class life, and then you create a melodrama about how depressed and tormented you are. You think, 'Oh I'm so emo I cut myself'. Well FACE THE FACTS YOU FAGGOTS! I BET YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT EMO MEANS!

For fags like Ben Legg out there who think 'Oh I'm too emo, even though I have no problems, and I get £30 a week.', I say FUCK YOU! You think Emo is so cool and all you ever talk about is 'Autumn' 'Knife' 'Bleeding' 'Pain' and, the trademark of emo wannabes, 'Razor'.

It's you people who make me SICK.

If Emo means 'Emotional' then everyone is a fucking Emo. Happy people are 'Emotional', depressed people are 'Emotional' everyone is!

Now onto the real meaning.
It stands for EMOTIVE HARDCORE you damned fuckers!
Try reading http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=emo
And see what it really means.

End of Rant ;P


  • At 10:39 AM, Blogger lucinda said…

    Lmao.. I clicked on caroline's links and found your blog.. and saw that you haven't got a comment yet.. so I decided to comment just for you.

    Lmao.. I like the strong hate to the word 'emo' and the 'emo-ness' overall. It's pretty funny how you put it.. especially with all your evidence (the urban dictionary) haha.. it just made me laugh.. ;]

    It's lucinda btw..


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